Root Canals

Root canal procedure

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a set of specialized procedures intended to treat problems of the soft nerve tissue inside the tooth. While some mistakenly think of it as an unusually painful treatment, in most cases the procedure is no more uncomfortable than getting a filling. It’s one of the most effective ways of relieving some kinds of tooth pain.

Causes of Root Canal Problems

Root canal problems stem from infection and inflammation of the tooth’s pulp tissue. One potential cause of infection is deep tooth decay. Untreated dental cavities eventually allow bacteria to work their way down to the center of the tooth, where they may infect the pulp tissue. Any opening in the protective enamel coating has the potential to allow bacteria access to the tooth’s pulp.

In some cases, extensive dental work itself may cause damage to the pulp tissue that will need to be treated via a root canal. Having multiple fillings or restorations on the same tooth increases the chances of this type of injury.

Signs and Symptoms of Root Canal Problems

If you feel constant and severe pain and pressure in your mouth, or noticeable swelling and extreme sensitivity in your gums, then it’s clear you need treatment right away. Another symptom of pulp tissue damage is sharp pain when you bite down on food. Lingering pain after eating hot or cold foods is also an indication of possible trouble. If you notice any of these symptoms, you need to have an examination as soon as possible.

Xray of root canal work