Cosmetic Dentistry

close up of girl in dental chair

Contouring & Reshaping

Ideal for those looking for minor changes in their smile, contouring and reshaping are great options. Contouring allows teeth that are uneven, misshapen, discolored, or overlapping, to be altered and fixed and can even slightly improve your bite. This is often combined with tooth reshaping. To be an ideal candidate for contouring and reshaping, you should have healthy, normal teeth and are looking for minor, subtle changes in your smile aesthetic. Dr. Kim can assess your teeth and let you know if contouring and reshaping is a good option for you.


Crowns are put on and used to restore the tooth’s natural function and aesthetic. Usually, put on after a root canal, crowns are the most reliable and have the longest life expectancy in comparison to other cosmetic dental options. Though a bit more costly and time consuming, crowns are durable and rarely require repair. Crowns are often combined with root canals to remove decay and cover broken or brittle teeth.


african american lady smiling


Whitening is another great option to brighten your teeth and give you back your confident smile. We offer both in-office and at-home tooth whitening that can remove stains and restore your tooth color.


Veneers are another option to cover stained, broken or otherwise damaged teeth. Dr. Kim can assess whether veneers are a good option for you!